Monday, December 10, 2007

Handmade Toy Drive

I was watching the news the other day and was sad to see that many local charities and resale shops are short on toys because of all the recalls (lead and other toxic materials being an issue now).

I have decided to try and make 10 handmade toys this week - and drop them off for Blue Santa. There are MANY organizations that accept toys for children, and most will accept through this week. Look up Blue Santa (Austin Police Dept.), Brown Santa (Travis County Sheriff Dept., Orange Santa (UT Police Dept.), and the Season of Giving with the Austin American Statesman. If you're not in Austin, Texas, I am sure there are plenty of charities in your town!

Searching the web has brought many ideas to make - little fabric blocks, small stuffed animals, baby bibs, little purses, the ideas are endless. Even putting together craft kits is a great idea! I know we all have a TON of crafty items - and we can sit and spend a few hours to make something for the little ones.

The hope is that you will be inspired to make something and repost this to inspire others - if each of us make just a few toys to donate, we can make a special Christmas for lots of kids. Please join me and make some toys!!!

Anne Marie